Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852- 1934)
Neurons of the myenteric plexus
Spanish painter, physician and the father of modern neuroscience. With a microscope and simple tools from his art studio, Cajal drew the first known renderings of the nervous system.

Emily Kame Kngwarreye
Untitled, 1990, acrylic paint on canvas
Aboriginal elder and lifelong custodian of indigenous women’s Dreaming sites. Ancestral journeys, spirits, animals and people within a matrix of native plant seeds and dissolved time ('everywhen').
Social dreaming is an embodied opportunity to activate the collective unconscious through the sharing of dreams and associations in a supported space. Using meditation to access a state of reverie, the matrix weaves dream imagery and free associations into a rich tapestry of connections. Previously hidden meanings and unspoken truths buried within our shared cultural ecosystem emerge. A novel mode of engaging, the matrix cultivates a sense of unity and opens channels onto creativity and deep connection.
ma·trix (n.) /ˈmātriks/ An environment within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form. Derived from Latin ‘mater’ mother, 'matrix' womb.